Monday, January 31, 2011

February is a month to honor our Presidents!

Hello Class!
I thought that since this month honors our Presidents that we could talk a little bit about the impact they've made on our lives. What I'd like you to do for this assignment is pick a President of your choice and construct a blog about them. Include at least 5 interesting facts about them. Have fun and be creative!

SSR Reading

Hello class!

We are going to begin this week by discussing your SSR (silent, sustained, reading) assignment that we will be doing throughout the whole year. Every two weeks you will be expected to read a book of your choice from the list I've provided for you from online. The website gives you a brief description of the book so it's easier to find one that interests you. Each day on Blogger I would like you to write a journal entry about your reading.

Also, I would like you to fill out a blog about the author of the week. Write a short paragraph describing him or her and include a picture and a link to the information you found about them. This week we will be discussing:
JK. Rowling

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Get to know your States!

Good Morning Class!!

Yesterday we began working on our assignments through Google Earth about getting to know different important historical sites all around the United States. Through Blogger we're going to be having you working on individual States. I will give each of you one State where you will have to research and list ten important facts (this is a great website to go to, lists all the States) about the State and then upload a picture of the State. Also DON"T FORGET TO SITE THE INFORMATION YOU FIND! Below is an example of what I am looking for:

Capital: Columbus

Motto: "With God all things are possible"

Flower: Scarlet Carnation

Tree: Buckeye

Animal: White tailed deer

Song: "Beautiful Ohio"

Nickname: Buckeye State

The homes of President: Grant, Taft, Hays, Garfield, and Harding

Number of counties: 88

Gemstone: Flint

Friday, January 14, 2011

"About Me" letter

Dear Students,
Hello and welcome to the fourth grade!! :) My name is Miss. Sargiovanni and I'm going to be your Language Arts and Social Studies teacher for this year and I'm very excited to get to know each and every one of you.

In my class we will be learning some new and interesting ways of learning by arranging our assignments through a blog. Each week I will have two different assignments posted on blogger one dealing with what we're learning in language arts and the other Social Studies.

To get you started and used to the program let's start off by getting to know each other. Your assignment this week for language arts is to write me a traditional letter(click to see example) about yourself. You can tell me ANYTHING about yourself. What you like to do, your favorite color, favorite sport, etc as long as it's in the form of a letter. Another cool thing about blogger is it allows you to insert pictures. Along with your description of yourself, add two pictures that go along with it. This is good practice to get you to understand blogger and how to write a traditonal letter. Also be sure to use good punctuation (click for list of punctuation rules) and spelling to the best of your ability. Most importantly HAVE FUN and be creative!
Miss. Sargiovanni